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Aug 16, 2019

Fertility Nutritionist Angela Heap shares her personal experience of using OvuSense due to having an irregular cycle and how she has done indepth studies into the best foods and supplements to boost your fertility. To find out more visit 

Aug 16, 2019

Kate Davies talks through how she works with you, during your OvuSense journey from her support in the facebook groups to one to one conusultations via Skype. To find out more visit 


Aug 16, 2019

Caroline Price went from using OvuSense to working for the company after being so delighted with how it helped her. Here she explains how the monitor helped her dealing with PCOS and getting pregnant. To find out more visit 


Aug 16, 2019

In this episode Stephanie, Tracey and Katrina share their stories about managing their PCOS and how they found OvuSense, plus how it has helped them understand their cycle more and learn when they ovulate. To find out more visit


Aug 16, 2019

Teegan and Dana share their experiences dealing with PCOS and how using OvuSense has helped them to learn more about their cycle and share the information with their fertility specialists. To find out more visit